Active Parenting of Teens
Learn effective communication, guidance, and discipline skills
for parenting your teenager. Topics include courage and self
esteem, teen behavior, problem solving, family
communication, responsibility and discipline. Drugs, sexuality
and violence are addressed as well. Marion County Juvenile
Department Counselors will facilitate this eight-week Thursday
evening’s class for adults. Call 503-566-2925 for the dates of
our next class, more information, or to sign up. Class is free
and includes the book.
Effective Parenting
This class uses the “Love and Logic” process to develop
positive approaches to communicating and guiding children.
Topics include sharing control with children, helping guide
children to solve their own problems, and how to use
consequences effectively. Thursdays, April 6- May 11 at
Judson Middle School or May 18-June at Chemeketa College,
6:30 – 9 PM. For information call 503-399-6562. Fee: $75
includes book.
Families Talking about Changes
A dynamic two-session workshop for parents and their pre-
teen daughters, girls in fourth through sixth grade (ages 9-12).
Offers a safe environment in which to discuss the changes
coming with puberty and sets in place a foundation for
communicating about sensitive subjects. Two Tuesdays, April
25 and May 2, 6-8:30 PM. Robert Frost School, 201 Westfield
Street, Silverton. For more information call Silverton Together
at 503-873-0405. Fee: $5
Guiding a Child’s Development
Parents and care providers learn how to guide and support
children’s healthy brain development. Find out about the
relationship between children’s movements and activities.
Neurodevelopmental Training Center. For more information
and registration call 503-981-0635.
Parents/Infants Plus (PIP)
A parent education and peer support network offered to all
new families during the critical first year of an infant’s life.
Topics include health and safety, stress management,
nutrition, child development, infant massage, and much more.
Babies attend class with parents. Ten sessions, meeting every
other Thursday, Silverton Hospital Birth Center, 6:30 – 8:30
PM. New groups begin every 10 weeks. Next groups start April
13 & June 29. For more information or registration call
Silverton Together at 503-873-0405. Fee: $25, scholarship
Parent/Toddler Program
A series of ten weekly classes for parents of children age 18
months to 3 years, an age when concerns about setting limits,
discipline and tantrums can fog the clearest mind. Includes
supervised children’s activities in a nearby room. Offered twice
a year. Next course begins Tuesday, April 18, 6:30-8:30 PM at
the Silverton United Methodist Church, 203 W. Main St. For
more information or to register call Silverton Together at 503-
873-0405. Fee: $30, scholarships available.
Parenting with Love and Logic
A fun and informative course for all parents, especially of
children age 3 – 13, who want practical techniques for less
stressful, more effective parenting and more ease in family life.
Seven Thursdays, April 13 – May 25, 6:30-8:30 PM at the
Silverton United Methodist Church, 203 W. Main. For more
information or to register call Silverton Together at 503-873-
0405. Fee: $20/person or $25/couple. Free child care