a non-profit organization
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 On the belief that by educating a woman we will be educating a whole family, since 2001 our nonprofit public benefit corporation’s purpose shall be to:

  • Develop within the Hispanic  woman the capacity of individual leader
  • Strengthen families and interconnect leaders in different Hispanic organizations,
  • Defend and Protect the Hispanic family by instructing, empowering and coordinating immigration education, acquire immigration civic skills and civil rights, and represent low-income families on immigration matters.
  • Encourage organizational and interpersonal collaboration,
  • Empower the Hispanic community to have a voice in institutions that affect it by creating opportunities for women to develop their knowledge and advocacy skills on parental involvement in education, civic life and combat racial discrimination
  • Promote respect of civil and human rights as well as aiding in bridging the current cultural isolation and providing communication links between community members and organizations actively working to promote social justice and equality for all.